Thursday, March 19, 2015

Cilantro Chimichurri Sauce

EASY PEASY! This cilantro chimichurri sauce is light and refreshing on top of any kind of meat or grain! I have this problem of cooking for a family of 8 so I am eating the same thing for 3 or 4 days straight. I made this sauce to add another dimension to my fourth night of eating this meal! 

2 tablespoons of olive oil 
3 tablespoons of rice vinegar 
1 cup cilantro - chopped, minced - whatever you call it!  
2 cloves of garlic - minced (less garlic if you are not a fan of raw garlic) 
1 large jalapeno - diced 
1 large lime (or up to 2 - depends on how sour you like your sauces) 

All ready to be blended

Olive Oil and Rice Vinegar - definitely staples in my pantry 

Add the cilantro, garlic and jalapeno into the food processor (I have a mini processor - works just fine ^_^). Slowly add in your olive oil, rice vinegar and lime juice until its a smooth, silky consistency. Taste, add more lime or S&P if you need. I did not add S&P because I've been eating less salt. Oh you know, try to be healthy. Sometimes. 

I'm ready to make food extra yummy! 

Ohhhh... quinoa! 


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